Friday, April 28, 2023

The ERIC False Narrative

 ERIC doesn't check for that! Anyone recall ERIC reporting that in Arizona thousands of zip codes changed days before the 2022 election - when mail-in ballots were going out? Or that people older than Julius Caesar still vote in several ERIC states? ERIC is a system that by definition is blind to over 85% of the current fraud in election rolls - yet it remains the core election fraud system for two dozen states! 85% of election fraud comes from mail-in ballots and ERIC does not address that ocean of fraud! When a Secretary of State clings to a system blind to the overwhelming percentage of fraud, they are acquiescing to voter fraud and lying to their citizens.

Since ERIC owned the moniker "Cleaning voter rolls," hapless politicos for years said "We clean voter rolls with ERIC." "We clean voter rolls with ERIC" - said at the same time everyone knows ERIC couldn't find a fake mail-in ballot operation if it had a lighthouse attached to it.

Ever wonder why Leftists, who fight taking dead people off voter rolls because maybe they might resurrect, support ERIC with such passion? ERIC doesn't test for mail-in ballot fraud - and that's where the votes are! Doubt me? We have the data for states AFTER ERIC cleaned their voter rolls.

Unlike ERIC, we compare property tax rolls and other databases against voter rolls and find what ERIC missed - which is more than they find.

Perhaps one might be interested in the 40,000 inactive voters in Missouri who voted? Maybe the 41 registered voters in the Branson, Missouri hotel? How about the Harris County, Texas voters registered in jail? The Fractal team found all of these - and thousands more, AFTER ERIC cleaned voter rolls.

Making voter lists publicly available, real-time - where any citizen can identify voter fraud puts them out of business.

Technology enables any citizen to see voter roll fraud - thus an entire voter integrity industry is disrupted.

In 2022, the ugly truth came home - those fake, dead, moved voters, found by the hundreds of thousands are not coming off voter rolls.

Why not voter rolls? Why not let citizens see every voter, at every address, cross checked against property rolls - with current security for abused women and others needing special privacy? This can be done today - we know because we do it about 12 times a week for curious political candidates.

Why not an on-line list, in every state, of every address which cannot by law receive a mail-in ballot? Update the list every day, and if the voter registration list reports it plans to send a ballot there - flag it! This would virtually end mail-in ballot fraud! It would certainly take a huge bite out of it! Stopping mail-in ballot fraud BEFORE it happens - is an idea ignored by both the RNC and national voter integrity teams.

Any citizen, from a phone, can discover more fake voters, in their state, now, than every funded voter integrity team has ever found - and take action.

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