Tuesday, January 24, 2023

America’s leaders have ceded their moral authority to the mob. It needs to stop

 American institutions are in the midst of a hostage crisis

  • The new hostage-takers don't use tape, wire, or cuffs. They wield the even more powerful restraints of guilt, shame, and identity
  • They have allowed a small minority of left-wing activists to establish their ideology-notably, critical race theory-at the highest levels of institutional life
  • Governor Ron DeSantis has initiated the first-ever attempt to recapture a public university from the intersectional bullies and to restore the necessary preconditions for a classical liberal education: respect for the institution, a commitment to civil discourse, and the pursuit of truth, rather than ideology

But I will not cancel.

  • American institutions, from the Ivy League to the Fortune 100, have been taken hostage precisely because their leaders have consoled themselves with titles and prestige while delegating their moral authority to those who pursue power under the false pretense of compassion
  • If this dynamic is to be disrupted, it must begin with defiance of such intimidation: a willingness to speak the truth, to address the problem, and to articulate a vision that can transcend the ugly politics of the present


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