Sunday, January 29, 2023

Are You Really Against Fossil Fuels? Read This Before You Answer

 Fossil Fuel in Everyday Life

  • 90% of things used in everyday lives are derived from fossil fuels
  • Cars, trucks, planes, ships, and trains use oil
  • Cement, steel, and plastic are essential materials that are used in the construction, transportation and manufacturing industries
  • The industrial era was a time of great change, and the use of fossil fuels played a big part in that

Fossil fuels are used as raw materials in the production of many chemicals and plastics.

  • Paints, resins, fiberglass, coatings, varnishes, adhesives, and thousands of other materials are all made from fossil fuels
  • Lightweight, durable, and versatile, plastics are used in a wide range of products.

Food Production

  • Fertilizers have played a crucial role in meeting the global food demand by increasing crop yields by as much as 50 percent
  • According to OurWorldInData, which compiles information from the United Nations and World Bank, “from 1961 to 2014, global cereal production has increased by 280 percent. If we compare this increase to that of total population (which increased by only 136 percent over the same period), we see that global cereal Production has grown at a much faster rate than the population."

The campaign against fossil fuels focuses on their use in the generation of electricity

  • However, every part of our material life is made better by fossil fuel derivates
  • They help us live more efficiently, safely, and in an environmentally friendly way, reducing poverty and helping billions enjoy decent and safe lives.

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