Thursday, December 1, 2022

To Its Eternal Shame, the GOP Hands Victory to the Dems on Gay Marriage

But what do you expect when advocates for “gay rights” like Ronna McDaniel run the party?

 More often than not, bipartisanship simply means that Republicans and Democrats have joined together to pass legislation damaging to the country’s future, such as the Democrats’ “gay marriage” bill that forces all 50 states to recognize same-sex marriage.

The "bipartisan" passage of sham marriage is a catastrophic change to the family and the welfare of children

  • Passage confirms that two socially liberal parties, albeit moving at different speeds but in the same basic relativistic direction, now rule America with only minimal input from Christians who have become, in effect, enemies of the state
  • "Gay marriage" is designed to deprive children of a stable, two-parent home from the start
  • It is a massive affront to God and a violation of the natural right of children to have two biological parents known to them and bound together by marriage

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