Friday, December 23, 2022

Disgraced and Corrupt RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel Calls Kari Lake a Failed Candidate After Ronna Did Nothing in Arizona

 Ronna McDaniel on Newsmax

  • The three-time RNC loser went on the conservative network to speak about her quest to become the Buffalo Bills of party chairs
  • She brought up the Arizona debacle while absolving herself of all responsibility
  • Two pertinent questions for McDaniel
  • Why did the RNC not push RINO Karrin Taylor Robson, the GOP gubernatorial primary runner-up, to support Kari Lake?
  • What made McDaniel decide not to lift a finger as election irregularities were being uncovered in the Grand Canyon State?

She also thinks quite highly of Lake unlike the corrupt McDaniel

  • Lake believes in bringing the RNC closer to the people
  • One of her ideas is decentralizing the RNC outside of DC
  • Unlike McDaniel, Lake has the courage to stand up to the establishment and demand accountability

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