Monday, December 26, 2022

The Curtain Has Been Opened

 Today we have a simple revelation of a confluence of the three parts of our government in action

  • The FBI/CIA are totally corrupt and working against our citizenry
  • This explains many things over the years that seemed odd and when citizens questioned the occurrences they were called far right conspiracy nuts and then ignored and were thought to be forgotten.
  • Even the most religious socialist has to admit there has been corruption on the way to nerd-vana but he still feels it must be ignored so as not to deviate from the official dogma

Clinton declared that the era of big government is over

  • He tried to cover his tracks by repealing the Glass-Steagal Banking System
  • Trump had to go as he threatened the status quo across the board which could turn back the clock on rule by the triumvirate if he delved too deeply into the catacombs of the empire.
  • His worst characteristics were that he could not be blackmailed financially and was used to being abused by the media. This combination would make Goebbels blush.

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