Monday, December 26, 2022


 In the preamble of the U.S. Constitution, our Founding Fathers declared that the brilliant centerpiece of our government was created by "We the People of the United States." It was clearly not, "We the Politicians" or "We the Bureaucrats."

Our federal government has utterly abandoned "We the People." It was never more apparent than in the disgusting spectacle of the recently passed $1.7 trillion monstrosity known as the omnibus spending bill.

According to McConnell, "Providing assistance for Ukrainians to defeat the Russians is the number one priority for the United States right now according to most Republicans."

Really? Did McConnell conduct a poll of Republicans to determine their "Number one priority?" Of course not, McConnell is so entrenched in the D.C. beltway and supportive of our enhanced involvement in the war in Ukraine that he has not bothered to check with "Most Republicans."

A recent Marquette University poll found that 58% of Republicans favored "Sharply reducing U.S. military aid to Ukraine." A new CNN survey found that only 33% of Republicans favor "Prolonged" support for the Ukrainians.

There are a few Republicans who are in tune with the grassroots.

As noted by the Wall Street Journal, the omnibus spending bill was the "Worst in history." It passed at a time when there has never been a greater disconnect between the wishes of the American people and their leadership in Washington D.C. The Capitol Hill swamp places its priorities far above the desires of the American people.

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