Monday, July 25, 2022

Woke Left rewriting history at Founding Fathers' estates, downplaying their accomplishments and portraying them as slave-owning racists

The far Left's efforts to literally destroy our culture has now moved into a new realm: rewriting the history of our Founding Fathers.

"We left disappointed not having learned more about the creation of the Constitution."

Add founding father Thomas Jefferson and his famous Virginia mansion home of Monticello to the growing list of American history under assault by the Left, according to critics.

Instead of celebrating Jefferson's legacy as a founder, on-site employees have focused primarily on portraying him in a negative light, as evidenced by recent reviews posted to Google by visitors and tourists, reports said on Saturday, July 16.

"I expected more about the life of Jefferson and his accomplishments, but it was highly focused on all the aspects of slavery. I loved the grounds and the site itself but expected more about Thomas Jefferson['s] overall accomplishments and his entire life not just his business exploits on the plantation," said one review, as reported by BizPac Review.

"If you are a fan of woke revisionist history and racist CRT, this is the place for you. If you are a fair-minded person with an appreciation for the great contributions of Jefferson as a founding father of our great nation, Monticello will disappoint and infuriate. The leadership and staff of this national treasure should be ashamed," another review added.

In an interview with the Post, Tucker described what a woke joke the Monticello tour has been turned into. 

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