Monday, July 25, 2022

British government offering farmers “lump sum” payments to stop growing food, sell their land

The United Kingdom has introduced a new program that offers lump-sum, fiat cash payments to farmers who agree to stop farming and sell their often multi-generational, family-owned land to the government.

"Older farmers, who don't want to change their farming methods, are being asked to quit or sell their land. In turn, new farmers can adopt alternative, environmentally friendly farming techniques."

Many British farmers are so far in debt due to government and market corruption that they may have no choice but to close up shop.

"Rising prices on fertilizer, gas and just about everything else needed to do their jobs have made the government's offer tempting," Campbell adds about the cash payments now being offered to family farmers by the UK government.

Poll suggests 75% of British farmers are "Seriously interested" in shutting down their farms for 30 pieces of government "Silver".

Some 75 percent of British farmers told the Association that they are "Strongly interested" in quitting agriculture, selling off their land, and taking the cash from the government.

Another person with the handle of "TechSavvy" linked an article about how the Biden regime is similarly offering to pay American farmers even more money than usual not to farm. 

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