Friday, July 22, 2022

Trump Gave Order to ‘Make Sure’ Jan. 6 Rally Was ‘Safe Event,’ Pentagon Memo Shows


  • House Democrats' summer show of primetime investigative hearings ended Thursday night unable or unwilling to answer essential questions about the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.
  • Chief among them: If Donald Trump wanted to incite violence that fateful day, then why did he order the Pentagon to have a large military force ready to quell a disturbance?
  • Why did a Democrat-led Congress turn down the assistance of National Guard troops in the face of intelligence warnings about violence?

Not long ago, conservative media was not beholden to anyone. Today, most sites are stuck on the Big Tech gravy train.

  • The rise of Pandemic Panic Theater, massive voter fraud, and other "taboo" topics have neutered a majority of conservative news sites
  • Far too many conservative news outlets rely on Google, Facebook, and Twitter for the bulk of their traffic
  • They depend on big checks from Google ads to keep the sites running
    1. The rise of Pandemic Panic Theater, massive voter fraud, and other taboo topics have neutered a majority of conservative news sites.
    2. We are also building partnerships with great conservative sites like The Liberty Daily and The Epoch Times to advance the message as loudly as possible, and we're always looking for others with which to partner.
    3. Today, only a handful of other major conservative news outlets have broken free from the Big Tech teat.
    4. Most Conservative News Outlets Are on the Big Tech Teat Not long ago, conservative media was not beholden to anyone.
    5. Like I said, I don't hold other conservative sites under too much scrutiny over their choices. 

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