Friday, July 22, 2022

Biden, Hurricanes, and the Depleting Strategic Petroleum Reserve

To bring down gas prices, instead of drilling, the Biden administration has decided to ease the pain at the pump and not coincidentally his serious drop in the polls by releasing oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Could large oil reserve drawdown have unintended consequences heading into hurricane season?

Drawing down 180 million barrels will leave the Strategic Petroleum Reserve at its lowest level since the 1980s.

All of which means Biden is lowering U.S. reserves - and taking the chance that no hurricane will hit the gulf in this coming hurricane season that will halt the ability of the U.S. to refill the reserves it has used for the purely political purpose of lowering the price of gas at the pump.

Need it be said that any administration that mishandles anything connected to hurricanes pays a political price? The George H. W. Bush administration's mishandling of 1992's Hurricane Andrew without question contributed to Bush's 1992 defeat by Bill Clinton.

"House Republicans want to haul in Department of Energy officials to examine the Biden administration's handling of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and recent overseas sales of domestic stocks despite near-record U.S. gasoline prices."

To sum it all up: Added to the ever-growing list of Biden bungles and disasters is its use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. 

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