Friday, July 22, 2022

Trans Agenda Is About Erasing The Past To Control The Future

Radical gender idealists recently announced they are unhappy with the "Current standards in forensic human identification" because those policies "Do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary."

Instead of simply discovering and classifying the past using contextual clues in human remains, including sex as determined by biological features, there's a new academic push to project the sexual climate of today on history and offer "a gender-expansive approach to human identification."

The left's war on the past shows their ferocious desire to control the future.

The left wants a monopoly on language, definitions, and history because once you control those, you have the power to set the narrative for everyone else - past, present, and future.

Any mention of a "Deadname" could evoke a deranged rage because, for the radical gender idealists, any mention of the past that doesn't comport with their perception of the future must be rejected.

The left doesn't just want you to deny biological reality in the present.

They want you to ignore that biology was ever valued in the past. 

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