Friday, July 22, 2022

House Dems Endorse Sending Emergency Oil Reserves To China

House Democrats blocked a motion Wednesday that would have barred oil from the nation's emergency petroleum reserves from being shipped overseas to entities under the control of the Chinese Communist Party.

The motion, proposed by California Republican Rep. David Valadao, would have made it illegal for oil from the emergency stockpile to be sent to China after President Joe Biden's latest release sent 1 million barrels to Beijing enterprises.

"The White House has routinely deflected questions about Biden's business dealings to his attorneys, who have remained largely mum."

"The decision to sell to Unipec raises questions about why the Biden Administration is selling oil from the SPR to China, especially when the sale may enrich Hunter Biden, the President's son," wrote lawmakers led by Kentucky Rep. James Comer.

The letter was published exclusively by the New York Post, which also broke a series of stories from an abandoned Delaware laptop that contradicted Joe Biden's repeated claims of never speaking business with his son "Or with anyone else." Emails from the laptop reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden also implicated the president in corrupt business deals with the CCP, now enriched by American reserve oil.

In May, President Biden tapped the strategic petroleum reserves to unleash 1 million barrels of oil daily for 180 days, which will align conveniently with the fall election cycle, instead of encouraging domestic energy production.

The Energy Department has also refused to comply with requests made under the Freedom of Information Act probing the use of the emergency reserves in the absence of any real emergency such as a hurricane or cyberattack. 

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