Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Mainstream Media has committed Suicide with its COVID-19 Lies

New Rules about Protests and Demonstrations in the UK

  • If your protest is designed to support myths proposed by the conspirators (such as the global warming myth) and is likely to cause delays, disruption, and economic harm to a large number of people then the police will be instructed to protect and defend your right to protest.
  • Police will be present in large numbers if the protest is peaceful.

Covid-19: Exposing the Lies

  • In the last two and a half years, Dr. Oz has been libelled on the internet by a small army of trolls hired by the security services and drug companies.
  • He has also been banned from YouTube and banned from accessing or using any social media outlets, and even expelled from the Royal Society of Arts for daring to tell the truth about the COVID-19 hoax.

Mainstream Media has Committed Suicide

  • Newspapers have been falling for years. The collapse has been dramatic in the last two years - since newspapers betrayed the public and sold their integrity for money from the Government and in some cases for a `financial relationship' with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • In the two years from 2020 this is what has happened to newspaper circulations: The Daily Mail fell from 1,169,000 to 862,000
  • The Daily Mirror fell from 451,000 -> The Express fell from 296,000-> The Star fell from 277,000 ===== The i fell from 217,000 >>> The Financial Times fell from 157,000 → The Guardian now keeps its circulation secret
  • Television programmes aren't doing too well either
  • Piers Morgan's new TV show had a viewing audience of 32,000 the last time I looked
  • Vernon Coleman's book Coming Apocalypse was published in April 2020 - over two years ago. It was the first book to explain the truth of what was happening -and how the coronavirus hoax was being controlled.


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