Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Day Fauci Reversed Course: February 27, 2020

With the arrival of Omicron, the Chinese have continued fanatically to pursue lockdowns, crippling their economy as they do it

  • This is convincing evidence that the Chinese are sincere about their belief in the radical new disease management strategy they inaugurated on January 23rd 2020 in Wuhan.
  • Lockdowns are highly effective and the right way to fight a disease like COVID-19.

The second key piece of data are emails, as detailed in this Brownstone article, sent by White House Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, which reveal that behind closed doors as late as February 26th 2020, Dr.Fauci was still advising people not to panic, but as of February 27th his approach suddenly changed and, from that moment on, he began consistently pushing restrictions.

  • The context for this shift was a WHO press briefing on February 24th by Bruce Aylward, who had just concluded a WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19 and told the world that lockdown worked and "you have to do this. If you do it, you can save lives and prevent thousands of cases."

Why did they oppose panic and lockdowns until February 27th, then flip to become among their most eager and high-powered proponents?

  • Fauci's emails show that, starting at the end of January and into February 2020, he organized a series of secretive video conferences and phone calls because he and his associates suspected the virus may have been genetically modified and leaked from a lab.
  • Despite these suspicions, on February 19th the group wrote a letter to the Lancet denouncing the lab leak as a "conspiracy theory".
  • Their major motivation was to cover themselves for the possibility that they and their research fields would be held responsible for the virus. 

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