Sunday, July 24, 2022

Covid "Vaccine" News: What Respectable Experts Have Said This Week

The World Health Organization claims 12,2 billion COVID "vaccine" doses have been administered worldwide

  • Covid injections are 13 times less effective than natural immunity
  • 1 in 5,000 cause serious side effects
  • Death due to unknown causes is now the third leading cause of death in Canada
  • The claim by the CDC and FDA that the effects of the COVID injection on reproductive health are rare is a lie

Masks Are Hazardous and Don't Work, This Has Been Known for Decades

  • Dr. Simon Goddek
  • A study published in Nature shows what’s already been known for decades: masks get quickly contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  • Wearing masks consequently leads to direct exposure to bacteria & fungi constantly being inhaled.

Excess Non-Covid Deaths Approach 9,500 in Last 11 Weeks

  • There have been 9,422 more deaths than usual registered in England and Wales from causes other than COVID-19 in the 11 weeks since April 23rd
  • In the week ending July 8th, the most recent week for which data are available, there were 928 excess deaths above the five-year average (10% above).

Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Product is 13-Times Less Effective at Preventing Infection With SARS-CoV-2 than Naturally Acquired Immunity

  • A high-impact peer-reviewed scientific paper was just brought to my attention.
  • The take-home message from the study was that, “SARS-COVID-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected”

The Data Are In: Objective Scientists Were Right All Along

  • Most people do not know what negative vaccine efficacy is
  • Nor do they know the difference between vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness
  • We're changing that by teaching the world the Math of Vaccine Science this fall
  • Measures like these require data
  • And Dr. Peter McCullough reviewed data for two hours in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Leading Cause of Death in Alberta, Canada Is 'Unknown Causes'

  • Several doctors and a civil liberties lawyer in the Canadian province are raising concerns around the growing trend of deaths labelled as ill-defined or of unknown causes after an unprecedented increase in such deaths was recorded in 2021.

New Report Shows mRNA in Covid-19 Jabs Can Convert Into DNA

  • Dr. Stephanie Seneff joined Maria Zeee to discuss the new findings and findings associated with the use of COVID-19 in the treatment of injuries caused by the drug

Famous German Singer’s Home Raided on Suspicion of Fake ‘Vaccination’ Card

  • She Fights Back
  • Famous German singer Nina Maleika was shocked to find a judicial order from the court left on her desk by police when she returned home from her vacation in Italy.
  • Instead of intimidating her and discouraging further protest, Maleika released a video exposing the state's violation of her property and intimidation tactics.

How the "vaccinated" produce variants

  • Why they suffer repeat infections with SARS-CoV-2, and progress to Covid disease more often than the "unvaccinated".
  • Dr. Paul Alexander, Geert Vanden Bossche, Bad Cattitude, and Dr. Robert Malone explain how and why the mRNA injections, aka "vaccines", can be responsible for the unnatural selection of variants, repeat infections and more frequent progression to disease for the vaccinated.

QANTAS admits pilot and cabin crew sickness as cause of airline cancellations

  • "Sickness in our 737 pilots is double, cabin crew 40% above pre-Covid levels because of Covid and flu season. Everybody else is seeing that as well."
  • More than 95% of people aged 16 and over are fully vaccinated
  • Vaccines are safe and effective and will stop you getting really sick

'Stunning': 1 in 5,000 Covid Shots Caused 'Serious Side Effects,' German Health Officials Admit

  • The German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) on Wednesday posted a “stunning tweet” admitting that 1 of every 5000 COVID-19 vaccinations cause “serious side effects.”
  • This implies almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have experienced a severe adverse event after receiving a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine.

Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases from Covid-19 Vaccines

  • Dr. Stephanie Seneff and many others have been suspicious of the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines from the moment they started to be administered to the population
  • Research into this novel technology made her very concerned that the vaccine could cause incurable prion diseases and prion-like diseases within the population in five to 10 years, or even further down the line
  • Prions are common proteins that naturally exist in the human brain.
  • A vaccine that produced the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus could be a health concern as the spike region has a prion region that is able to interact with proteins on human cells

'Pandemic of the Boosted': UK Data Reveal 'Fatal Problem' With Covid Shots

  • Rob Verkerk, PhD, analyses official data from the UK and Australia and found people who get four or more doses of a Covid-19 "vaccine" are about 100 times more likely to be hospitalised than those who are vaccine-free.
  • The same dataset also tells you that you'll be 65% less likely to die from non-Covid-related deaths if your jab is fully up-to-date compared to being unvaccinated.

Evidence of Scientific and Regulatory Fraud, HHS Administrative State Collusion

  • Trial Site News has recently published two comprehensive analyses of the non-clinical data package sections of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine regulatory submissions.
  • Reading the conclusions of both of these, which are essentially bookends to each other (one relating to Pfizer package, the other to the Moderna package), I am struck by how far the FDA (and CDC) have fallen from their prior standards.

South Africa vs Australia (July 21st, 2022), Covid cases, deaths, excess mortality, vaccination rate

  • The data tells us that the vaccinated nations with heavy vaccine, lead to increased infections, then cases, then hospitalizations, and deaths.
  • And South Africa stands out as an African nation for its delayed vaccine, still has low vaccine rates for Covid, and has thus benefitted from natural exposure immunity and the training of the innate immune system by its children and young persons.

CDC job posting reveals they lied, the vaccines are unsafe, and Pfizer lied too

  • "The contractor shall implement a staffing and operations plan focusing only on vaccine adverse event (VAE) reports after Covid-19 vaccines to help process an estimated 770,000 digital reports per year."
  • The CDC knows the reportable adverse events are off the charts and will continue to be a problem going forward.
  • Most people are not going to file a VAERS report unless it is serious.

Blinded by Science!

  • The CDC and FDA claim that the effects of the Covid mRNA vax on reproductive health are rare. They lied.

Devastating RIVM

  • Negative effectiveness means one is more at risk of infection post-injection.
  • After seven months (30 + weeks), vaccinated people had a 68% greater risk of being hospitalised for COVID compared to the unvaccinated, and 41% higher risk of needing intensive care.

FDA Relied on Scientific Fraud to Authorize Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine for Infants and Toddlers

  • The FDA cited a report from the UK Office for National Statistics finding that 7.2% of children who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 reported continued symptoms at 12 weeks post-infection.
  • This implies that 7 out of every one-hundred children infected with the virus may develop Long COVID.

Celebrating World Ivermectin Day

  • Many people are unaware of its healing properties, and few people have access to it because it is so maligned.
  • Dr. Tess Lawrie, a British doctor, encourages people to join her in celebrating the drug’s use around the world on Saturday, July 22, 2022. 

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