Monday, July 25, 2022

The Competing Ideologies for the Collectivist Mind

Competition creates service from businesses, and competition produces benefits for everyone

  • Ideologies or parties that may seem completely opposite can be "bipartisan" in many aspects.
  • Fascism, National Socialism, and Marxian socialism are three such ideologies: different enough to compete, but similar enough to attract the same type of person.

Hitler: The Nazi Competitor

  • After the end of World War One, the German royal family was dethroned and the November revolution saw the creation of the People's State of Bavaria, run by Kurt Eisner
  • Hitler was a participant in this new Bavarian state, according to the Holocaust Encyclopedia; Hitler was elected to be a soldier's council representative to civilian authorities
  • Fascism is another competitor for both the national and Marxian socialists
  • Both had different immediate priorities, and Hitler considered communism a Jewish ideology; but Hitler also considered capitalism Jewish, as he considered it to be "international Jewish finance"

Mussolini and Mosley: The Fascist Competitor

  • After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the communist and socialist parties were more or less united and had one clear goal: to unite the workers of the world through international revolution
  • Benito Mussolini rebranded and created a new political movement: Fascism
  • Fascism was syndicalism or trade unionism that was made to benefit the Italian worker, but left out the international worker


  • The collective mind, while noble for its want to improve lives, has caused great suffering in the world
  • While each ideology discussed, such as national socialism, Marxian socialism, and fascism each stem from a similar tree and promote economic regimentation; socially are different enough to compete for someone with a collectivist mindset
  • But these people will always need the state and its power to wipe out the successful and usher in a utopia 

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