Monday, July 25, 2022

For Communist China, The Sky's No Limit

What is instructive, Mr. Chang informs us, is that the PRC are fighting to wrest control from Japan of the East China Sea's Diaoyu Islands; and the communist regime has already seized control and is militarizing the South China Sea's Huangyan Island.

According to the regime's official Xinhua News Agency, Zhurong is not only the god of fire, but also of war and the South China Sea, over which the PRC risibly claims sovereignty over 85%. The conclusion is crystalline to Mr. Chang: "In short, Ye was projecting, blaming others for what Beijing itself intends to do. He was essentially saying that China would exclude others from these heavenly bodies."

"Many are beginning to wonder if China will soon do to the moon and the rest of space that which it has done to the South and East China Seas, Taiwan, and northern India: claim them as sovereign."

"We must be very concerned that China is landing on the moon and saying: 'It's ours now and you stay out.'" Mr. Chang confirms how "Nelson has every right to be concerned. America may have to go to war with China if it even wants to land on the moon. The Chinese have made it clear that, if they get there first, they will shoot down visitors."

Per Zhao Lijian, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, at his press briefing onJuly 4th: "This is not the first time that the NASA administrator has lashed out at China in disregard of facts. Some U.S. officials have spoken irresponsibly to misrepresent the normal and legitimate space endeavors of China. China firmly rejects such remarks."

As a signatory, the pair contend, communist China renounced any attempt at "National appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means." Thus, should the PRC claim it owned the moon, it would be in violation of international law and the regime's own word.

For genocidal communist China, the sky's no limit to its imperial ambitions. 

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