Thursday, July 21, 2022

EU Ambassador Calls for 'Reunification' Between Taiwan and China

The EU's newly appointed ambassador to Beijing has argued that it is "essential" that Communist China "rules the world," and that the bloc would support the "reunification" of the independent island of Taiwan with the mainland.

  • While Spain's former ambassador to Japan, Jorge Toledo AlbiƱana, set out what appears to be the most friendly position towards the Chinese Communist Party from an EU diplomat in years, critically contradicting other statements on the sovereignty of Taiwan.

The EU and China are the world's biggest trading partners, but they are also competitors

  • The EU should negotiate so that European companies that export to China have the same conditions as Chinese companies exporting to Europe.
  • German industry has already tried to pressure Lithuania to back down in its dispute with Beijing
  • Leading German brands such as Volkswagen, Hugo Boss, and BMW have deep ties with the country, even being accused of profiting from slave labour in Xinjiang
    1. Given the newly appointed EU ambassador to Beijing also said that the bloc would not accept an invasion of the island by Communist China and would impose similar sanctions to those levied against Russia following the full-scale invasion earlier this year of Ukraine, it is unclear how such a reunification could occur given the fact that Taiwan has never been ruled by the CCP and maintains its own democratically elected government, military, currency, written language, and culture.
    2. The EU's newly appointed ambassador to Beijing has argued that it is essential that Communist China rules the world, and that the bloc would support the reunification of the independent island of Taiwan with the mainland.
    3. While the EU put its massive trade deal with Beijing on hold following a series of tit-for-tat sanctions after European lawmakers condemned the genocide being committed against the Muslim Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in the Western Xinjiang region of China, there have been calls from top Eurocrats to continue to engage with Beijing, including European Council President Charles Michel. 

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