Thursday, July 21, 2022

Americans Want Their Old Fossil-Fuel Economy Back

Joe Biden’s climate change policies, which many blame for the sudden surge in fuel costs, are now highly unpopular among average Americans, a new I&I/TIPP Poll shows, with readings in numerous polls showing record or near-record low favorability.

Climate change is unpopular with few outside of the Democratic Party

  • Just 32% support Biden's climate change policy, even if it means higher energy prices
  • 57% disagree with his policies and want more and cheaper energy
  • 10% don't believe in climate change
  • 2.3 billion people globally suffered modest or severe hunger in 2021, an increase from the year before
  • Many blame green energy policies such as the ones pushed by the Biden administration for the recent surge in energy prices and inflation, not to mention a growing sense of insecurity in global food and oil markets
  • The growing disquiet over the cost of going green could damage Biden's reelection chances in 2024

The I&I/TIPP Poll results plainly show that Americans by and large repudiate Biden's climate-change policies and want a return to plentiful energy, low prices and an end to wrenching changes imposed by remote bureaucrats to bring about a global green "Great Reset."

  • TIPP has been the most accurate pollster for the past five presidential elections. 

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