Saturday, July 23, 2022

Drug industry is trying to use Congress to take over supplements and regulate them out of existence

Health freedom is under attack in a new way. Illinois Senator Richard Durbin (D) is sponsor of a new regulatory proposal -the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022. This regulatory nightmare would give the pharmaceutical industry more control over nutritional supplements, allowing the Food and Drug Administration to regulate many out of existence.

Drug industry seeks to destroy NAC, B6, CBD and much more

  • The Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022 would allow the drug industry to take over supplements and regulate them out of existence
  • If passed, this will drive small supplement manufacturers out of business, allowing the drug companies to continue buying them up
  • 14 mega corporations including Pfizer, Nestle, and Bayer control more than one hundred products on the market

Big Pharma trying to control, distort, eliminate the very God-given substances that help the body heal

  • The FDA has been writing warning letters to supplement companies, telling them not to market N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) for any health issues.
  • When a pharmaceutical company turns a vitamin into a synthetic drug, they are able to jack up the price and market it as theirs. Under the new proposal, drug companies would be able to legally get away with this fraud with just about any natural vitamin or phytochemical.
    1. In the past, he said, “the drug industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tried to ban certain supplements, including vitamin B6 and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), by reclassifying them as new drugs.” The latest hostile takeover of supplements would ensure that millions of Americans are unable to take care of their health in the most basic, fundamental ways.
    2. This will inevitably destroy health food stores and push basic food-based supplements into the pharmacy, where drug companies can control the price and limit access.
    3. A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods.
    4. A free public service to promote health freedom and empower consumers with information about the healing power of herbs.
    5. However, various whole food vitamin manufacturers used the natural form of vitamin B6 (pyroxidine) and refused to acquiesce to the Medicure Pharma and the drug industry. 

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