Saturday, July 23, 2022

Decision in Steve Bannon Case Is Another Example of Our Two-Tiered Justice System

We're at a tipping point where what makes our country special - equal justice under the law - has become endangered and so perverted by the two systems of justice currently being applied in this country.

On Friday, Steve Bannon was found guilty of contempt of Congress for refusing to respond to the Democrats' Jan. 6 Committee subpoena to testify in the show trial.

Bannon defense attorney David Schoen said that the prosecutor's argument "Completely tears asunder constitutional principle of separation of powers."

"But shame on this office of the United States Attorney's Office and the Department of Justice for how far it is. They put forward an argument today that completely tears asunder Constitutional principle of separation of powers. They argued to the jury today that when a person gets a subpoena, and executive privilege is invoked, it's for Congress to decide whether the executive privilege is valid and how broad it is. That's absolutely false," Schoen said.

As many pointed out on Friday after the Bannon decision came down, Eric Holder was never prosecuted despite the House holding him in contempt for withholding documents from Congress in the Fast and Furious gun-running investigation - one of the many Obama scandals that never met justice because they refused to turn over evidence.

Lois Lerner also was able to evade being prosecuted by the Obama Justice Department when she was referred for contempt of Congress in the investigation of the targeting of conservative groups.

They can see the differences, when they can't be assured that there is equal justice under the law. 

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