Friday, July 22, 2022

DOJ Working on Hunter Biden Plea Deal Despite Millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, etc. When His Dad was Obama’s VP — While Jan 6 Protesters Rot in DC Gulag

The DOJ is reportedly working on a plea deal with Hunter Biden. This indicates that many crimes related to trafficking drugs and women and extorting and taking bribes in the millions from foreign entities while his dad was Obama's VP will go unindicted. The New York Post reports on Hunter's reported plea deal

The Biden Investigation

  • A Delaware grand jury probe of Hunter Biden is nearing a critical stage
  • The investigation also involves suspicions of money laundering and violations of federal lobbying laws tied to Hunter Biden’s controversial overseas business dealings.
  • It is possible that Hunter Biden will plead guilty to minor tax charges and make a false statement when purchasing a handgun in 2018.


  • Documents released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor's Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family
  • Rudy Giuliani was all over the Biden family grift
  • The list of Biden crimes goes on and on and the corrupt DOJ lets them go while keeping innocent Americans in their DC gulag

Rudy Giuliani on Hannity

  • Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani: "If Donald Trump Jr. got $1.5 billion from the Chinese, you wouldn't think we'd be going crazy"
  • Biden’s kid got 1.5bn from China for a start-up private equity fund while the old man was giving us away to China
  • Did they give him the money for his expertise or did they give it to him because we just caved into them on the islands on tariffs?" 

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