Friday, July 22, 2022

Articles of Inquiry: The Role of Media

The media, both traditional and social media, had an outsized role during the pandemic in pushing the US government’s COVID response and defending the resulting coercive measures

  • Their result was a one-sided, often factually misleading or unsubstantiated narrative on important issues concerning science, economics, and health, for the better part of two years
  • This has had a chilling effect on information flows and journalism, and it dramatically distorted public understanding in many areas from science to health to economics to the proper role of media in a free society

Many crucial questions remain about precisely how this happened and is still happening

  • To what extent did the media cooperate with the government in the effort to drive one narrative and suppress competing ones?
  • Were there sociological reasons?
  • Was it purely a case of the free press acquiescing to government control or imagining themselves to be part of the regime?- Is it right that legacy media alone should be the arbiter of science and opinion? 

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