Thursday, July 21, 2022

Cold fusion commercial breakthrough could END food and energy scarcity around the world

The Brillouin Energy Corp. has announced a breakthrough Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System which uses solid-state low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to produce controlled excess heat through the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing no emissions, no radiation and no "spent" radioactive fuel material like what we see in the nuclear power industry.

Western Europe doesn’t need Russian gas if they embrace LENR “cold fusion” tech

  • Cold fusion technology (LENR) produces excess heat in a slow, sustained fusion reaction that takes place at the nano scale
  • Unlike fossil fuels, it does not produce high energy combustion phenomena that would support high torque engine applications, so it’s not applicable to replace combustion engines in trains, trucks, automobiles or airplanes
  • Instead, it heats water through controlled solid-state nuclear fusion reactions
  • The technology can be used to replace coal in coal-fired power plants, eliminating the issue of radioactivity and spent nuclear fuel
  • Additionally, climate cultists who currently despise CO2 - even though CO2 grows crops and “greens” the planet thanks to photosynthesis - should also embrace the technology given it produces no CO2 emissions whatsoever

LENR technology may free humanity from the death grip of anti-human globalists

  • Food abundance can be easily achieved almost everywhere around the world when greenhouses can be affordably heated with cold fusion technology in the winter months, allowing year-round growing of local crops in colder regions such as Canada and Western Europe.
  • The technology theoretically power water desalination plants, providing fresh water for crop irrigation without any need to consume fossil fuels in the process. 

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