Tuesday, October 5, 2021

What Did You And Xi Talk About For Two Hours?

Shortly after taking office, Joe Biden had a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Since taking office, Joe has taken a whole series of strategic decisions, which have been clearly to the detriment of the United States and clearly to the benefit of the Communist Chinese.

Yesterday Chinese planes landed at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan and China began the process of taking possession of that base.

We have for years talked about how the Chinese were somehow "Contained" by a ring of American bases.

According to Beijing, all foreign vessels, both military and commercial, will be henceforth required to submit to Chinese supervision in "Chinese territorial waters." One-third of all the world's shipping transits the South China Sea in which Beijing has constructed a series of heavily militarized artificial islands.

According to Taipei, a total of 39 Chinese military aircraft entered Taiwan's air defense zone on Saturday.

As the Chinese threat expands exponentially abroad, here at home Joe is busy dismantling Trump era efforts to reign in Chinese espionage.


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