Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vaccine Mandates Are Destroying American Livelihoods

In Virginia, the Washington Post reports that hundreds of hospital employees have been fired in recent weeks as vaccine mandates from major health-care systems have taken effect.

United Airlines, the first U.S. carrier to mandate a COVID-19 vaccine back in August, announced last week it had begun the process of firing about 600 employees.

In the meantime, tens of thousands of Americans, possibly many more, are going to lose their jobs for taking a stand against unjust and unwarranted vaccine mandates that violate their basic freedom not to be coerced into medical treatments they don't want.

I spoke to some of these people about why they're willing to give up their jobs and livelihoods over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Plenty of pro-life Americans have gotten a COVID-19 vaccine in good conscience, and even the Vatican has said it is morally licit for Catholics to take these vaccines, that taking them does not constitute "Passive material cooperation" with the evil of abortion.

Like Bob, Mike says it's not so much the particulars of the vaccine - its safety or efficacy, its health risks or side effects - that made up his mind not to get the shot.

For Joe, a 51-year-old live sound engineer, the vaccine mandates imposed by major concert promoters like Live Nation are a threat not just to his livelihood but to his health. 

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