Thursday, October 7, 2021

Today's Fiction May Be Tomorrow's Fact

Following the incident Chinese aircraft began a massive series of air strikes on Taiwan.

Chinese aircraft are filling the airspace around Taiwan in large numbers and Chinese warships are steaming toward Taiwan.

Beijing has announced that any ship or aircraft operating within fifty miles of Taiwan will be considered to be in breach of the blockade and will be intercepted by Chinese forces.

In a recent editorial the Global Times, which is owned and controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, called for the People's Liberation Army to dispatch fighters over Taiwan and "Even carry out an economic blockade on the island," despite the risk of starting a war.

In an editorial titled "Teach the US, Taiwan island a real lesson if they call for it," the Global Times expressed outrage at reports that the Biden administration might change the names of the American diplomatic mission in Taipei the "Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office" to the "Taiwan Representative Office."Global Times called for this response if this action were taken.

"Let us be fully prepared that there will be a showdown in the Taiwan Straits. Let us crush the will of the [Taiwanese] authority with our strong will. Let us send our first PLA fighter jet over the island of Taiwan at the most accurate time. That will be a milestone on China's path to reunification."

As Chinese forces settle into their new quarters at Bagram airbase, Xi Jinping knows he has a historic opportunity to run the table and reclaim the "Breakaway" island province of Taiwan. 

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