Monday, October 4, 2021

The Monstrous Lie Behind CrowdStrike

The crack team of investigative journalists at 60 Minutes also somehow failed to uncover that, just six months after accusing the Russians of hacking the DNC, CrowdStrike issued a report accusing the very same alleged Russian hackers of having penetrated into some Ukrainian artillery software that was so riddled with errors they were forced to retract it.

Perhaps the 60 Minutes team were too busy telling the rest of us how awesome they are to learn that other actors were known to have been in possession of the malware to which CrowdStrike claimed Russian intelligence had exclusive access since 2015.

One such skeptic is an anonymous journalist and computer aficionado who goes by the pseudonym "Adam Carter." Carter has spent the last few years cataloging evidence, unearthed by himself and others, that CrowdStrike engaged in a disinformation campaign, inventing not just a fake Russian hack but also a fake hacker called "Guccifer 2.0." Much, but by no means all, of Carter's evidence is technical.

Even putting aside that CrowdStrike's Washington Post announcement makes no sense unless they knew G2 would emerge to tie the story's Russian culprits to WikiLeaks and G2 somehow possessing files that would later appear as attachments to Podesta's emails, it's still grossly implausible that G2's operation wasn't coordinated with CrowdStrike.

Even if G2 just happened to come along and perpetrate a hoax that perfectly met Hillary Clinton's needs, Alperovitch, Henry, Mueller and the rest would have still used that hoax to deceive Americans into believing that Julian Assange is a Russian puppet and Trump owes his 2016 victory to Russian espionage.

The absurdity of anyone claiming that Guccifer 2.0 was a Russian spy and the way in which the narrative that the WikiLeaks releases were part of a Russian plot to elect Trump depend on that absurdity, means that everyone who promoted the narrative was pushing a monstrous lie.

For more on CrowdStrike and the Russian hack that wasn't, see my column in Thursday's "American Greatness": Impeachment Was Cover for CrowdStrike and Democrats Got What They Wanted. 

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