Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Dangerous Scapegoating of the 'Unvaccinated' Reaches Ridiculous New Levels

Every terrible president needs a scapegoat for the results of their awful policies, and Joe Biden thinks he's found his - the unvaccinated.

Stub your toe last night? That's the fault of the unvaccinated.

Low approval ratings for Joe Biden? Those darn unvaccinated are responsible.

On the first front, it's clearly idiotic to suggest that disapproval of Joe Biden is somehow caused by people not getting vaccinated.

They could be fixed tomorrow by exercising some common sense and ending the divisive war on the unvaccinated.

It's absolutely farcical for the White House to keep blaming the unvaccinated for all their woes.

The unvaccinated are not responsible for the foreign policy disasters. 

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