Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thank God Merrick Garland Isn't a Supreme Court Justice

Garland going after angry parents and indulging the hyperbolic and outrageous characterization of them as "Domestic terrorists" for the words they use in public speeches is in banana republic territory, but at least he's not on the Supreme Court interpreting words in blackletter law.

Garland is nakedly, transparently partisan and has misused his office to settle political scores with his and Joe Biden's political opponents, but on the Supreme Court he'd produce a four vote bloc of far-Left justices.

Not having Garland there deprives Chief Justice John Roberts of his favorite role of being the originalism-killing swing vote.

Being on the Supreme Court would mean he could interpret law not just for Biden's four years, but for the rest of his life.

Merrick Garland is a salivating rights-killer slavishly devoted to the far Left.

Whatever moderating influence he may have had disappeared when he went from the DC Circuit Court to go to Main Justice.

Thank God - and Mitch McConnell - that Garland's life as a "Public servant" will be over for good in 2024. 

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