Monday, October 4, 2021

Soros-Backed Attorney Kills Effort To Recall School Board Member Who Fought Reopening

A Virginia commonwealth's attorney backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros tanked an effort to recall a Democratic school board member who prevented students from returning to classrooms.

The Open Fairfax County Public Schools Coalition, a parents' group, in July reached the signature threshold to recall Elaine Tholen, a school board member who refused to reopen schools during the coronavirus pandemic.

Fairfax County attorney Steve Descano-who received $600,000 from Soros and thousands of dollars from Tholen-is facing his own recall and recused himself from the case.

The Open Fairfax County Public Schools Coalition is a nonpartisan group of parents that opposes the school district's closure during the coronavirus pandemic.

The group is working to recall several Fairfax County Public School board members who voted against reopening schools.

The coalition is also working to recall school board members Laura Jane Cohen and Abrar Omeish.

A group of Wisconsin parents on Monday submitted its petition to recall four school board members who deferred authority in deciding coronavirus mitigation strategies to the superintendent. 

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