Monday, October 4, 2021

Seven out of 10 new covid infections occurring in “fully vaccinated:”

Many of these people are developing "Breakthrough" cases of the Chinese Virus that are serious enough to send them to the hospital.

In the following slide image, you will see that as more people have gotten injected, the proportion of vaccinated infection cases having to be hospitalized has gone parabolic.

The Salus cohort specifically found that 80 percent of all new Wuhan Flu cases are fully vaccinated patients, proving that the jabs do not "Work" as claimed - unless the goal was to make everyone sick with the vaccine-induced "Delta variant." Prior covid infection without vaccination provides "Major protective effect," DoD admits Another key admission in the report is the fact that experiencing covid naturally and recovering from it provides lasting protection against the disease in the future.

In reality, the true figures, if accurately tabulated, would more than likely show that the vast majority of all new covid cases are occurring in people who took the jabs.

Very few people who skipped them are experiencing any illness, unless of course they were recently "Shed" on by a vaccinated person.

The most likely people to get sick despite getting vaccinated are those with end-stage renal disease, which interestingly enough is one of the side effects of remdesivir, a Fauci-backed drug for the Chinese Virus that is being pushed instead of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

People with preexisting health conditions, Native Americans, the morbidly obese, people over the age of 85, patients with chronic liver disease, cancer patients, and Hispanics have a higher-than-average risk of needing to be hospitalized if they previously took a Fauci Flu shot. 

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