Friday, October 8, 2021

Rand Paul Blasts “Lying” Fauci; ‘He Ignores Natural Immunity Because It Foils His Mass Vaccination Plan'

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, says he was branded a "Terrorist" by the media in Italy and warns that physicians who speak out are being "Hunted via medical boards and the press."

"I am going to speak bluntly," tweeted Malone.

"Physicians who speak out are being actively hunted via medical boards and the press. They are trying to deligitimize and pick us off one by one. This is not a conspiracy theory - this is a fact. Please wake up. This is happening globally."

I was labeled as a "Terrorist" in the Italian press when I was in Rome for the International COVID Summit.

My crime? Advocating for early treatment of COVID-19 disease.

Malone is one of many doctors who have been completely persecuted merely for discussing issues relating to COVID treatments and vaccine side-effects.

Despite such concerns being regularly voiced by doctors, the Federation of State Medical Boards announced back in July that it would consider pulling medical licenses of doctors who traffic in "Misinformation" about COVID. In another stunning development, Malone's IP address was blocked by the New England Journal of Medicine so he couldn't read studies on their website. 

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