Monday, October 4, 2021

Our Woke National Icons

Milley, Fauci, and Biden are soulless men who reveal the bankruptcy of our ruling class.

In sum, America's highest-ranking honorific military officer has violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice, has violated the law concerning his own advisory role as chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and has either serially not told the truth, or assumes that Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, several journalists are all not telling the truth.

Collate Biden's accounts of the advice he says he got from the chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the defense secretary with what the latter two swore to under oath, and either Biden or his military advisors or both are simply not telling the truth.

Joe Biden, remember, flew on Air Force Two with Hunter, just two weeks before the huge deal with Hunter's Chinese partners was announced.

The statement by Joe Biden that he knew nothing of Hunter's quid pro quo imbroglios is belied by his son's trips with him on government flights, by photos of Joe Biden with Hunter's foreign associates, by references in emails to Joe's cut, and by testimony from Hunter's own associate Tony Bobulinski that Biden was fully involved in and knowledgeable of his son's grifting.

From his son's own emails, we know that Joe Biden was referred to by Hunter's grifting associates as "The Big Guy," with a reference to a 10 percent cut.

In sum, without Joe Biden's complicity, the Bidens' corrupt empire would never have existed.

Few worry over Joe Biden's inability to tell the truth, his reliance on the fusion media to disguise his serial mendacity, his overt refusal to be questioned regularly by the press, and his disastrous and unpopular policies concerning Afghanistan, the border, inflation and deficits, and reduced oil and gas development. 

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