Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Liberal States Flunk The Education Equity Test

Of the 10 with the best equity scores, all but one - Minnesota - are Republican-leaning states.

WalletHub took the average score of 49 states, and found - lo and behold - Red states ranked far better than Blue states: 17.6 vs. 32.71.

What can explain this? After all, liberal states are constantly blathering on about making education more equitable.

More broadly, the average per-pupil spending by the 10 least equitable states is $8,507, Department of Education data show.

What about education choice? Turns out that states ranking higher on equity are also more likely to give parents greater opportunities to chart their children's education course.

EdChoice - a pro-education choice nonprofit - ranks states based on what percentage of students are taking advantage of education choice opportunities offered by their state governments: education savings accounts, school vouchers, or tax-credit scholarship programs.

Anti-choice states are more likely to lock the poor into failing schools, while in pro-choice states, parents have at least a chance to improve their children's lot. 

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