Monday, October 11, 2021

Lawmakers seek federal grand jury investigation for COVID-19 statistical manipulation

"Public health policy must be based upon accurate and independently verifiable data to optimize outcomes and strengthen the public's trust in the people leading them through this crisis," the Republican lawmakers, whose state has imposed some of the harshest and longest COVID restrictions, wrote in a letter with several attached exhibits.

File Thatcher-Linthicum-Grand-Jury-Petition-AUSA.pdf "I'm not sure there has ever been an allegation of government wrongdoing on this scale," so the group wanted to assess "Accuracy and safety" before going public, relationship manager Bailey Kuykendoll told Just the News.

The lawmakers did interviews with SHF before the effort went public.

Public health experts raised the same concerns more than a year ago with The New York Times, recommending cycle thresholds of 35 or lower.

In a summary he blamed "Phony PCR tests" for the "Unnecessary lockdowns" crippling the U.S., comparing them to HPV tests that lead thousands of women each year to get "Needless colposcopic [cervical] biopsies." Unspecified biotech companies use "These questionable test results to move the goalposts arbitrarily in defining COVID-19 infections for statistics to cover up various business agendas at the expense of public interest," Lee wrote.

Feminist author-turned-COVID contrarian Naomi Wolf interviewed Thatcher in a little-noticed video a day after the lawmaker went public.

The effort started with a peer-reviewed paper published last year in the journal Science, Public Health Policy, and The Law. 

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