Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Keeping You Informed


Quote: "Any doubts that Anthony Fauci hates America were just erased in one clip. Dr. Anthony Fauci has destroyed the America many of us knew with his lies and fear mongering about COVID-19. He continues to make up information and tell the public it’s facts. Dr. Anthony Fauci has yet to speak one iota of truth to the American people about COVID-19. He has flip-flopped on almost every position he’s taken on the issue from masks to vaccines, and the scary part is he seems to enjoy it. Fauci enjoys scaring people into submission and pumping out false information so he can demand they get vaccinated or stay locked in their homes. Now Fauci is once again trying to tell people what they can and can’t do over the holidays. In a recent interview on Face the Nation, Fauci told host Margaret Brennan that Americans might not be able to gather for Christmas. The pandemic being over is Fauci’s worst nightmare. He doesn’t want to lose control, so he continues to make things up in hopes of scaring the American public into following his orders. And the Left supports his actions – they all love the control. This would be the second year in a row where Americans have been told by Dr. Anthony Fauci not to gather for Christmas."    Any doubts that Anthony Fauci hates America were just erased in one clip - Political Animal News

Quote: "BREAKING: Sen. Ron Johnson: There is NO FDA Approved COVID Vaccine in the U.S.. When the story first broke a few months ago about the FDA approving the COVID vaccine, we read the official FDA papers and came to the conclusion that they did not, in fact, approve the COVID vaccine. Rather, they approved something called Comirnaty and they gave the COVID vaxx and extended emergency use authorization. We published that story and received tremendous backlash from people claiming we just “didn’t understand” what the papers said. Today we stand vindicated.  SEN. RON JOHNSON: We do not have an FDAapproved vaccine being administered in the U.S. The FDA played a bait and switch. They approved the Comirnaty version of Pfizer drugs. It’s not available in the U.S. They even admit it. I sent them a letter three days later going “What are you doing?” What they did is they extended the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer drug vaccine that’s available in the U.S., here that’s more than 30 days later, they haven’t asked that very simple question. If you’re saying that the Pfizer drug is the same as the Comirnaty, why didn’t you provide FDA approval on that? So, there’s not an FDA-approved drug and, of course, they announced it so they could push through these mandates so that people actually think, “Oh, OK now these things are FDA approved.” They are not and again, maybe they should be, but the FDA isn’t telling me why."  BREAKING: Sen. Ron Johnson: There is NO FDA Approved COVID Vaccine in the U.S. (welovetrump.com)  

Quote: "Dr. Fauci is worried his career is over after this shocking new undercover video just surfaced. Dr. Fauci has lied to and misled the American people during the entire coronavirus pandemic. He expected to get away with it. But now Dr. Fauci is worried his career is over after this shocking new undercover video just surfaced. A new undercover video from Project Veritas caught two Pfizer scientists admitting that natural immunity was superior and longer-lasting than the immune response triggered by the coronavirus vaccine. 

        According to Pfizer biochemist Nick Karl, natural immunity leaves a person with more, but not necessarily superior, antibodies than the vaccine. “Your antibodies are probably better than the vaccination… When somebody is naturally immune, like, they got COVID, they probably have better, like, not better, but more antibodies against the virus,” said Nick Karl. However, Karl admitted that the vaccine was far inferior to natural immunity when it comes to protecting folks from the variants. “So when you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus,” Karl added. “So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination.” So why is Fauci ignoring natural immunity? According to Karl, he’s doing it in order to make life so miserable for the unvaccinated that they cave in and take the jab. “It’s just about making it so inconvenient for unvaccinated people to the point where they’re just like, ‘F*ck it. I’ll get it.’ You know?” Karl added. 

       But Karl isn’t the only Pfizer scientist who holds this view. Scientist Chris Croce agreed with Karl. “You’re protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response,” Croce said when asked to compare natural immunity to the vaccine.

Croce was then asked by Project Veritas why Pfizer turned away from the monoclonal antibodies that drastically reduce the rate of hospitalization and death. “Money,” Croce responded, calling it “disgusting.” “I still feel like I work for an evil corporation because it comes down to profits in the end. I mean, I’m there to help people, not to make millions and millions of dollars. So, I mean, that’s the moral dilemma” Croce added. “Basically, our organization is run on COVID money now,” Croce concluded."    Dr. Fauci is worried his career is over after this shocking new undercover video just surfaced - Political Animal News  

Quote: "An ex-Obama official let slip something horrifying about vaccination that spelled doom for older Americans. Forced Vaxxholes want vengeance. Government officials are determined to hand their cronies ever larger windfalls with the public’s money. But an ex-Obama official let slip something horrifying about vaccination that spelled doom for older Americans. Democrats and public health authorities are now using the “stick” on anybody who defies the COVID regime.

As Joe Biden stated when he announced his vaccine mandates their “patience is wearing thin.” They’re making it clear that if all their “carrots” still can’t get every American to obey and get the jab, they’ve usurped enough power over the years so that they’ve got plenty of “sticks” to use on the American people. Former Obama DHS official Juliette Kayyem just revealed one of the “sticks” coming as the Biden administration tightens the noose of restrictions on unvaccinated people.

Kayyem appeared with Don Lemon on CNN to discuss reports of California police officers resigning over vaccine mandates. According to surveys, approximately 40% of LAPD officers and San Diego cops would risk being fired rather than receive the required vaccination. Kayyem proposed that police officers who refuse to receive the vaccine lose their pensions. Kayyem said: “The reason why . . . people have become more comfortable with [vaccination] mandates is because the unvaccinated listening to this false news basically just needed a push, a nudge, something to be taken away from them, and then they sort of weighed that faulty information against the desire to keep their jobs – or in the case of state police, their desire to keep their pension.” They’re sure to expand the abhorrent tactic if they get away with forcing police officers to bend the knee or lose the pension they’re counting on for retirement. And there’s a reason they’re starting this with police first – it’s an ideological purge."     An ex-Obama official let slip something horrifying about vaccination that spelled doom for older Americans - Political Animal News

Quote: "Why Is the COVID Case Count So High? The CDC used to define a “case” as a patient whose characteristic signs, symptoms, and physical examination matched a disease. Labs were only done if clinically needed. Since the “pandemic,” however, the move to boost case numbers is everywhere. Instantly, a “positive” RT-PCR test in an asymptomatic person after a drive-through tonsillectomy became a “case.” The CARES Act gives thousands extra to hospitals for every “positive,” with a big bonus if the patient’s shadow is seen in an ICU. It’s a classic “one hand washes the other scenario” between outside labs and hospitals. “If you give me more positive results, I get more money, so I’ll send more tests to you.” My hospital’s Medical Staff President flatly denied any CARES Act benefits at our 2020 Medical Staff Extravaganza, but the incentives can’t be denied. My hospital still sends “coders” out to demand that staff order COVID tests to get more payments. Put bluntly, there’s no way to know what any test means medically if the patient isn’t sick. But “positives” definitely mean money!

        MIQE standards list eighty-five parameters that must be met in RT-PCR testing. Does every lab meet them all every time? Around the worldcelebrities who test “positive” one day and “negative” the next strongly suggest that a lot of mistakes are being made. This is unsurprising since as early as 2017, the technique was well known for “lack of reproducibility.” The inventor of the test stated that RT-PCR was never intended to be a diagnostic test and using it as one was scientifically illegitimate. “[It’s] like trying to say whether somebody has bad breath by looking at his fingerprint.” Proper testing requires checking three genetic elements, widely separated in the genome. For CDC counts and CARES Act payments, only two segments get tested, automatically increasing the number of positive tests – by a lot. The lab starts the RT-PCR by doubling genetic material multiple times to make it easier to identify. In research, if it’s not positive by thirty-five “amplification cycles,”, it’s not positive. FDA guidance indicates that anything found up to 40 cycles is considered “positive.” At forty cycles a glass of water may test positive. Stopping at thirty-five would show that COVID-19 wasn’t any worse than flu, if it was that bad.   [...] 

       Some people test “positive” but aren’t infected because “Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms.” These “false positives’ range from 17% to 70%. Depending on when you test after exposure, up to 100% of negative tests are “false negatives.” A test with a range of +70% to -100% is meaningless. ThermoFisher emphasizes reproducibility, but RT-qPCR is the paradigm for lack of reproducibility and that’s why the CDC has decertified it.

       There is no pandemic. There never was. Since only 6% of “COVID deaths” were from only the bug, there have only been about 40,000 total, roughly equal to seasonal flu. In the early days, we didn’t know how to treat it and rationally feared that the new Black Death had arrived. But by May of last year, we already knew that HCQ was probably effective in early cases. Early treatment would cause a (non)crisis to go to waste, and that could not be allowed. So very effective treatments and excellent prophylactic measures were suppressed."  [...]  Here's how the piece ends. 

       "The CDC definition of a “COVID case” is a political construct designed to funnel taxpayer money to favored individuals and institutions. It has nothing to do with the course of the disease. Only 6% of “COVID deaths” were exclusively from COVID. The other 94% would likely have died of their other diseases without the virus. Many of those who died would still be alive if the Feds weren’t suppressing HCQ and Ivermectin early treatment protocols...which our “betters” in Congress are themselves reported to be using."     Why Is the COVID Case Count So High? - American Thinker

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