Monday, October 11, 2021

Keeping You Informed

The medical mafia in Colorado strikes a blow to the Hippocratic Oath and their promises to do no harm.  All because of their fealty for a fake pandemic. Quote: "Colorado Hospital Denying Transplants to Unvaccinated. Quote: "The controversy over the rights of Americans to choose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine continues to rage. Recently, a decision by a Colorado healthcare system is creating questions about whether or not it’s right to deny an unvaccinated person lifesaving care. Leilani Lutali desperately needs a kidney to save her life. She has a donor lined up for the transplant and was just months away from receiving surgery to get the new organ. Then, UCHealth announced patients and donors for most transplant surgeries would now have to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before their procedures. That means Lutali, who has stage 5 renal failure, will have to go somewhere else to have the surgery done."    Colorado Hospital Denying Transplants to Unvaccinated | United Voice
     This is just one of the many consequences delivered to humanity by the criminals who launched this whole coronavirus fraud.

Quote: "A drug company is manufacturing one product that the COVID regime wants you to ignore. Politicians and public health officials refuse to let the pandemic draw to a close. Positive news that doesn’t fit the establishment narrative is shot down. Now a drug company is manufacturing one product that the COVID regime wants you to ignore. The response to COVID-19 has been eye-opening to say the least. In bizarre fashion, the Democrat Media Complex was determined to shoot down any positive news about the pandemic. When Donald Trump announced optimism about the creation of a vaccine, the corporate-controlled press mocked and ridiculed him. These are the same people who now want the vaccine to be forced into people’s arms. The COVID regime also downplayed and censored the potential efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Now Pfizer is creating a therapeutic that sounds a lot like Ivermectin, and the COVID regime is noticeably quiet."     A drug company is manufacturing one product that the COVID regime wants you to ignore - Conservative Underground News

Quote: "Finland has joined other Nordic countries in suspending or discouraging the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in certain age groups because of an increased risk of heart inflammation, a rare side effect associated with the shot. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare said Thursday that authorities won’t give the shot to males under age 30. They will be offered the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine instead. The government agency said it found that young men and boys were at a slightly higher risk of developing myocarditis. The move by Finland followed similar decisions by three neighboring countries on Wednesday. Sweden suspended the use of Moderna for people under 30, Denmark said those under 18 won’t be offered the Swiss-made vaccine, and Norway urged those under 30 to get the Pfizer vaccine instead."    Another Nation Suspends Moderna Vaccine - Headline Health

Quote: "16 Year Veteran Australian Police Sergeant Quits in Protest of Andrews COVID Orders, Claims Majority of Cops Agree with Her. A 16-year veteran of the Melbourne, Victoria police force in Australia went public this week to denounce the actions of many police during recent protests. Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell was interviewed by a group called "Discernable," wearing her full uniform during the interview and announcing that she was officially resigning from the force at the end of her interview. Blaming the police actions ultimately on Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, Mitchell stated: “I think that the reason, or the issue, in why perhaps police [are] feeling more emboldened to act the way they are in relation to these harsher actions is because of the messaging that comes from Dan [Andrews],” who tells the law enforcers what to do “on a daily basis.” However, she stated that individual police members who use excessive force will be held accountable, and that police do have a responsibility not to use excessive force, something that is allegedly grilled into them at the academy. She served 6 years at Professional Standards Command - the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate. She reminds her colleagues that ultimately they will individually be held accountable for their actions, and are still subject to s 462A of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which forbids the disproportionate use of force. Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner - Shane Patton, their Minister - Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier - Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government. She also stated that she has talked to over 300 fellow police officers, and the majority feel the same way that she does. Sergeant Krystle Mitchell gave up her career to do this interview, and could possibly face disciplinary measures as well."     16 Year Veteran Australian Police Sergeant Quits in Protest of Andrews COVID Orders, Claims Majority of Cops Agree with Her (


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