Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Japan Making 'Preparations' for Possible Chinese Attack of Taiwan

Japan's foreign ministry said on Tuesday it would consider its "Options" and make necessary "Preparations" toward supporting Taiwan if China continues to ramp up its military intimidation of the island.

"Motegi's comments on Taiwan mark a departure from the past by explicitly speaking of possible involvement, and were also aimed at drawing international attention to the issue and pressing China," Reuters observed on Tuesday, citing the analysis of political experts.

Japan's use of assertive language while addressing the Taiwan-China conflict on October 5 signaled a significant shift in rhetoric according to Robert Ward, a London-based senior fellow for Japanese Security Studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

"The new government will continue with the harder line, as Motegi is showing. This fits with Japan's broader push to balance China from a position of strength," Ward opined.

"It is Japan's consistent stance that we hope the issue surrounding Taiwan will be resolved through direct dialogue between the party involved," Kishi assured journalists.

Tokyo has become increasingly invested in deterring Chinese military encroachments of Taiwan because the island lies a short distance away from Japan's Senkaku islets, which are illegally claimed by Beijing.

"Because we are close geographically, what could happen in Taiwan could likely be an issue for Japan, and in that case, Japan will have to take the necessary response to that situation," Kishi told CNN on September 16. 

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