Sunday, October 10, 2021

How Many Times Can Fauci and Co. Get Things Completely Wrong and Still Get Away With It?

We closed our restaurants, bars, theaters, and gyms for over a year in some places.

We watched as dangerous criminals were allowed to walk out of jail, the ultimate lockdown, to avoid COVID, even though prisoners made up fewer than 1% of COVID cases.

We believed Fauci when, on March 9, 2020, he said cruises were safe for healthy people, but 12 days later 30 ships were stranded in the ocean because no ports would allow them in.

Today, 78.1% of the total population over 18 years old has been vaccinated, yet more people have died from COVID this year than in 2020.

The only troubling human behavior I see is coming from you and your stooge Fauci.

How many times can you bozos get it wrong and still think we will follow your advice? I've seen busboys fired for less.

Now it's: Fool us repeatedly, over and over again for 20 months, shame on us. 

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