Monday, October 4, 2021

Free the Hero Locked Up for Telling the Truth About Afghanistan

Scheller put his career and freedom on the line for the truth.

Stuart Scheller committed the ultimate crime, he put his career on the line and called for the truth after the Kabul airport suicide bombing.

Our petition at the David Horowitz Freedom Center calls for action to free Scheller who is "Being held as a political prisoner for speaking the truth about the U.S. military's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan." The only man behind bars over Afghanistan is there for telling the truth.

Locking him up was one way that Austin, Milley, McKenzie, against whom Scheller was trying to proffer dereliction of duty charges, could silence the Lt. Col.

Scheller declares that, "While Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin delivered testimony to Congress meant to obfuscate their gross incompetence in Afghanistan, Lt. Col. Scheller has performed a patriotic duty by publicizing the truth. His incarceration in a military brig is an attempt to hold the truth hostage, and intimidate others."

Thousands of Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS-K were freed at Bagram Air Base, but Scheller has been locked away.

Scheller does not belong in prison, Milley and the rest of Biden's brass belong there. 

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