Friday, October 8, 2021

Follow the Science – Except When it comes to Natural Immunity

Without natural immunity, many past viral illnesses, hundreds or thousands of years ago, would have been extinction events, except for the fact that those who were infected and survived now had immunity to that particular virus and perhaps similar future viruses.

In Orwellian fashion, the only approved form of immunity is now vaccine induced, with no regard for natural immunity.

These three scientists make it clear that natural immunity is at least as good, and more likely far better than vaccine immunity.

Data from Israel buttresses natural immunity over vaccine immunity as they found that "Fully vaccinated" individuals are 27 times more likely to become COVID-infected and symptomatic, and seven times more likely to be hospitalized compared to those unvaccinated but with natural immunity.

How long does natural immunity last? A recently published scientific paper from China showed that antibodies can last for more than a year post COVID infection.

The bottom line is that natural immunity is real and long lasting, yet is dismissed by the medical establishment and those in the ruling classes, in favor of mandatory vaccinations which have been shown to provide only temporary immunity.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a fully vaccinated physician and writer who also has natural immunity to COVID.. 

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