Tuesday, October 12, 2021

'Everything is breaking down': Supply crisis grows 2 months after Biden vowed to fix it

A shortage of just about everything is looming ahead of the holiday season as hundreds of ships wait outside ports and rail yards clog up due amid a lack of workers and truckers.

President Biden assured Americans on Aug. 11 that "These bottlenecks and price spikes will reduce as our economy continues to heal," appointing a "Port envoy" who would work with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Biden said at the time that his administration was "Bringing together the port operators, shipping lines, the labor unions, trucking companies, railroads, and others to speed up the port's operations."

Cotton said Biden chose Buttigieg as Transportation secretary even though he was "Completely unqualified," and now the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor "Is absent during a transportation crisis that is hurting working-class Americans."

Many didn't come back to their jobsGeorgia Port Authority director Griff Lynch said Sunday in an interview with Trey Gowdy on Fox News "Sunday Night in America" said the problem began a year and a half ago when foreign ports shut down because of COVID. "The supply chain shut down. The supply chain is only so big, and that disruption is what we're feeling today. We're trying to force more cargo through the supply chain and it's only so big and so resilient," Lynch explained.

Lynch pointed out that ports are now dealing with double the amount of backlogged containers.

"Global supply chains are not built for this. Everything is breaking down," he said.


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