Monday, October 11, 2021

Doctor Says Physicians Are Being “Hunted” For Speaking Out by Press & Medical Boards

The View host Joy Behar says black people should drop their hesitation about getting the vaccine because "The experiment has been done on white people now."

Co-host Sunny Hostin appeared to suggest that some people weren't being terrified enough into taking the shot, noting "Fear works" and should be used in public relations campaigns.

"How do they get through to people like the black audience the African-American community, who has been burnt in the past by these Tuskegee experiments and things coming out that have harmed them," Behar said.

"I don't blame that community for being skittish about it, but I say that so many white people have gotten it now, you know, the experiment has been done on white people now," she added.

People who claim that the COVID-19 vaccine was 'experimental' have been denounced by health authorities, who insist the vaccine was properly tested and is safe.

Apparently, at least in the context of white people being the guinea pigs, Behar is free to make such a claim with little pushback.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg responded by asserting that since white people who took the vaccine aren't growing extra body parts, the vaccine is safe. 

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