Saturday, October 9, 2021

Democrat Party Files Lawsuit to Ensure They Can Steal All Future Pennsylvania Elections through Mail-in Voting

The Democrat Party filed in court to demand mail-in voting laws that will ensure Democrats can steal all elections for the foreseeable future.

Governor Wolf signed emergency legislation into law without the approval of the state leglislature in 2020 for mail-in voting.

The DNC and PDP filed to intervene in defense of Pennsylvania law allowing all eligible voters to vote by mail.

Today, the Democratic National Committee and Pennsylvania Democratic Party are taking action to intervene in litigation brought by 14 Pennsylvania Republican state legislators and a county election official, who claim that allowing all eligible Pennsylvanians to vote by mail without an excuse is impermissible under the Pennsylvania constitution - even though nearly all of them supported the law when it was enacted in 2019 with bipartisan support.

Pennsylvania law allows all eligible voters to vote by mail without an excuse, just like 33 other states and the District of Columbia.

"The DNC is taking action to ensure that all eligible Pennsylvania voters are given an equal opportunity to participate in our elections, and we stand ready to step in to defend the freedom to vote wherever partisan lawsuits are brought to attack voters' ability to cast a ballot," said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

Act 77 allows all Pennsylvanians to vote by mail, updates the Commonwealth's voter registration law, and eliminates straight ticket voting. 

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