Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Dark Money Dems Use Fake Newspaper To Influence Virginia Election

Democratic dark money kingpin David Brock is using his "Pseudo-news outlet" to send Virginia voters unsolicited mailers that falsely attack Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin.

Brock in September bombarded voters in the state's northern suburbs with an unsolicited "Virginia edition" of his liberal media outlet, The American Independent.

Which said Youngkin's "Plan to eliminate the state income tax would usher in massive cuts to funding for Virginia's schools." Brock called "Misinformation" an "Existential threat to democracy" in a 2016 interview with former CBS News anchor Dan Rather, whose career ended after he used fake documents to claim then-candidate George W. Bush went AWOL while serving in the Texas National Guard.

The mailers mark the latest attempt by a well-funded liberal group to influence elections with fake news.

In 2019 through her dark money group, ACRONYM. The media company aims to "Build nimble communications infrastructure for Dems in critical states," an internal memo obtained by Vice states.

Receives charitable donations from groups in Brock's vast political network, including the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation and The American Independent Foundation, two tax-exempt nonprofits that do not disclose their donors.

Brock's mailers came as McAuliffe struggled to maintain a strong lead against Youngkin in a state President Joe Biden won by double digits.


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