Friday, October 8, 2021

Counterfeiters Beware! Arizona Rep. Turns State Ballot Integrity Project into National Opportunity

To become that State's Secretary of State in 2022, has effectively taken his Arizona Ballot Integrity Project.

National as of this past Wednesday when he and approximately 30 others from around the country gathered at the suburban Dallas offices of international authentication leader, Authentix, to create a process for introducing a highly counterfeit-resistant paper ballot.

As currently designed, the proposed paper ballot contains multiple authentication and tracking features making it almost impossible to replicate by anyone interested in election tampering through the creation of phony ballots.

" This lets people track and interact with their ballot and the government can know it is a legitimate ballot.

"If we can get all ballots on this Authentix designed paper, it would be a big step toward solving all the problems encountered in the 2020 election. It is my hope that Arizona can become the tip of the spear that eventually turns into a national movement to secure elections going forward."

"The real power in our country is held by the people, not the government. When you empower people, that's when things change. I've never seen people so awake to the fact that their vote really does matters. In Arizona, we set the initial bar for forensic election audits because there had never been one done anywhere before. Now we are setting the bar for ballot integrity. I want people around the country to see it and fight for it where they live." 

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