Friday, August 27, 2021

Biden Tried to Send Pallets of Cash to the Taliban as Kabul Fell

The Biden administration had effectively agreed to provide a massive infusion of cash to the Taliban.

The final deal fell through, the Afghan government fled, and the Taliban took Kabul.

The problem is that while the Taliban expected to find vaults full of gold and cash, Afghanistan had been plugged into the international finance system in which access to cash depends on either great internal wealth or good international relations.

A week after Kabul fell, the International Monetary Fund was supposed to disburse $460 million in Special Drawing Rights to Afghanistan, but that, like all the other international funding mechanisms that the Taliban wanted to lay claim to, was blocked.

While the Biden administration's diplomats and national security people had made a complete hash of the withdrawal, the treasury people proved to be surprisingly on top of cutting off Taliban cash.

Even though there won't be a single American soldier in Afghanistan, Biden will go on funding the Taliban long after the withdrawal is wholly complete.

His cash shipment to the Taliban only fell apart because the Afghan government did. 

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