Friday, August 27, 2021

Biden Gave Up More Than Bagram

Of course Afghans, especially after the Biden administration gave a list of green card and Special Immigrant Visa holders to the Taliban guarding the checkpoints around the airport.

Your tax dollars pay people to come up with scenarios much less likely than this one and plan around the necessity of preventing them.

The most obvious, painful takeaway of all of this was that Bagram Air Base, a massive and secure facility 40 miles outside of Kabul, would not have been so vulnerable to such attacks and should have been the site of an air evacuation.

Helicopter flights could have shuttled people from all over Afghanistan into Bagram and then, by plane, they could have been flown out to safety.

We now face a choice between becoming a pariah on the world stage or surrendering our sovereignty to the "International community" and taking our place with Belgium, Canada and Paraguay as just one more country bound to bow down to UN bureaucrats and the dictats of the globalist elite.

The people currently in charge of the U.S. aren't capable of running a world superpower.

What would such people do if put in charge of the country they hate? Would they not act to destroy such a country's ability to play a leadership role on the world stage? And how might they do such a thing? 

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